Změna trpného rodu v činný

Větám v činném rodě je snadnější porozumět než větám v rodě trpném. Převod z trpného rodu do činného je přímý, vyžaduje však trochu cvik.
V tabulce níže si můžete povšimnout, že gramatický čas slovesa to be je v trpném rodě vždy stejný jako čas hlavního slovesa v rodě činném. Převod do činného rodu znamená, že do popředí vystupuje vykonavatel či původce děje.

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"To Keep" v rodě činném a trpném

Čas Činný rod Trpný rod Věta v činném rodě Ekvivalent v rodě trpném
Přítomný prostý čas keep is kept I keep the butter in the fridge. The butter is kept in the fridge.
Přítomný průběhový čas is keeping is being kept John is keeping my house tidy. My house is being kept tidy.
Minulý prostý čas kept was kept Mary kept her schedule meticulously. Mary's schedule was kept meticulously.
Minulý průběhový čas was keeping was being kept The theater was keeping a seat for you. A seat was being kept for you.
Předpřítomný čas have kept have been kept I have kept all your old letters. All your old letters have been kept.
Předminulý čas had kept had been kept He had kept up his training regimen for a month. His training regimen had been kept up for a month.
Budoucí čas will keep will be kept Mark will keep the ficus. The ficus will be kept.
Přítomný kondicionál would keep would be kept If you told me, I would keep your secret. If you told me, your secret would be kept.
Minulý kondicionál would have kept would have been kept I would have kept your bicycle here if you had left it with me. Your bicycle would have been kept here if you had left it with me.
Přítomný infinitiv to keep to be kept She wants to keep the book. The book wants to be kept.
Minulý infinitiv to have kept to have been kept Judy was happy to have kept the puppy. The puppy was happy to have been kept.
Přítomné příčestí & gerundium keeping being kept I have a feeling that you may be keeping a secret. I have a feeling that a secret may be being kept.
Minulé příčestí having kept having been kept Having kept the bird in a cage for so long, Jade wasn't sure it could survive in the wild. The bird, having been kept in a cage for so long, might not survive in the wild.
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